Template letter for use by Church of England Clergy conducting a ceremony for a couple at their church but Banns are not being given at the church.
To ensure we record the correct information relating to your church, when such a couple attend this office to give their Notices of Marriage, please copy and paste the template text below onto church headed paper, complete the relevant details, and hand it to the couple, so they can bring it with them to their Notice of Marriage appointment.
Please see the template text below, as well as the information the the clergy person is asked to complete about themselves and the couple:
Dear Registration Service,
Full name of the groom:
Full name of the bride:
Full name of Church:
Full Parish name:
Date of Ceremony:
I can confirm that the couple named above have requested to be married at the Church named above under the following entitlement:
(Please remove the points that do not apply)
- The church is in the ecclesiastical parish or district in which one or both live
- One or both parties to the marriage is/are on the parish’s electoral roll
- One or both parties to the marriage has/have a Qualifying Connection to the church, as defined in section 1 of the Church of England Marriage Measure 2008
and I/we have agreed to conduct this marriage in accordance with the marriage rites of the Church of England and the marriage could have taken place by banns or common licence if the couple were not excluded by the Immigration Act 2014.
Full name of person signing:
Date signed:
Position at Church:
Daytime telephone number or email: