All venues applying for a new or renewed licence to conduct civil ceremonies must publicly display their intent for 21 days before their licence can be granted.
Current applications
Name of applicant | Name of venue | Publication date | End of 21 day period |
Honourable Artillery Company | Honourable Artillery Company | 29/01/2025 | 20/02/2025 |
All venues listed above have applied to be approved as premises where civil marriages and civil partnerships may take place.
The Marriages and Civil Partnerships (Approved Premises) Regulations 2005 state that premises can be approved by the Council if in their opinion and amongst other things:
i) they are seemly, dignified and regularly available for ceremonies;
ii) they have adequate fire precautions, other appropriate safety precautions;
iii) they have no recent, or continuing connection with any religion, which is incompatible with the use of the premises as a venue for such ceremonies.
Full details of these conditions can be obtained by visiting our main licencing advice page, or from:
The Proper Officer for Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages,
Town Hall,
Upper Street,
London N1 2UD
Any person wishing to see the application and plans of the premises may do so at the Town Hall during normal office hours.
Any person wishing to object to applications may only do so if the premises do not comply with the conditions required by these Regulations or the Council.
Objections must be made in writing to the Proper Officer at the address above, and must be received within the twenty-one day publication period.