Please see the usual order and structure of the conversion ceremony below, which you can use as a starting point to write your own personalised ceremony.
Please note that, unlike a first marriage ceremony, a conversion ceremony has no legal words that must be said, so you can amend, add or leave out any elements that you wish.
The only exceptions to this are:
- The declaratory vows- you can choose to include these vows, write your own, or leave them out, but if you include the vows below, the wording cannot be amended
- A conversion ceremony cannot contain the legal marriage vows ‘I take you to be my husband/wife’ but can contain personal vows to each other that do not use this wording
Entrance of Partner 1/ Partner 2/ couple
Welcome from the registrar to couple and guests
Wording about the meaning of marriage/ personal details about the couple
Declaratory vows (to be said by both – these words cannot be amended if you choose to include them, but you are able to write your own vows if you prefer):
I do solemnly and sincerely declare that we are in a civil partnership with each other and I know of no legal reason why we may not convert our civil partnership into a marriage. I understand that on signing this document we will be converting our civil partnership into a marriage and you will thereby become my lawful wife/husband.
- Registrar’s words about the meaning of rings
- Ring words repeated by both partners as they exchange rings
Registrar’s concluding words and pronouncing the couple to now be husband/wife and husband/wife.
[COUPLE DECLARED AS THEY WISH- i.e. John and Jane or Mr and Mr Smith]
Exit of the couple and guests