Please see the order and structure of the marriage ceremony below, which you can use as a starting point to write your own personalised ceremony, with the legal words that must be said in bold:
Entrance of the bride/ groom/ couple
Welcome from the registrar to couple and guests
Legal wording: This place in which we are now met, has been duly sanctioned, according to law, for the celebration of marriages.
Wording about the meaning of marriage/ personal details about the couple (OPTIONAL)
Legal wording: If there is any person here present who knows of any lawful impediment to this marriage, then they should declare it now.
Legal wording: Both partners must use one of the following three declaratory words:
- I do solemnly declare, that I know not of any lawful impediment why I (your name) may not be joined in matrimony to (your partner’s full name).
- I declare that I know of no legal reason why I (your name) may not be joined in marriage to (your partner’s name).
- The Registrar asks: “Are you (your full name) free, lawfully, to marry (your partner’s full name)?” You reply “I am.”
Legal wording: Both partners must use one of the following three declaratory words:
- I call upon these persons, here present, to witness that I (your full name) do take thee (your partner’s full name) to be my lawful wedded wife/husband.
- I (your full name), take you (your partner’s full name) to be my wedded wife/husband.
- I (your full name) take thee (your partner’s full name) to be my wedded wife/husband.
- Registrar’s words about the meaning of rings
- Ring words repeated by both partners as they exchange rings
Registrar’s concluding words and pronouncing the couple to be husband/wife and wife/husband.
[COUPLE DECLARED AS THEY WISH- i.e. John and Jane or Mr and Mr Smith]
Exit of the couple and guests